Castel Annaberg, Val Venosta

Saint Veith church on the hill of Tartsch

Saint Veith church on the hill of Tartsch - Mals/Tartsch

I-39024 Mals/Tartsch (BZ)
+39 0473 737070
+39 0473 831901

On the legends and in verse praised Tartscherbühel raises on a pagan sacrifice place from pre-Christian time the church for the sanctifying Vitus. The Romance building, whose origins date back definitely into early Middle Ages, is surrounded by a so-called asylum wall. The apse in interior contains residue of mural paitings form the 12th century, on the northern wall are residue on fresco cycle peak-to-peak voltage from the beginning of the 16th century preserved. A gorgeous winged altar-piece was on the northern side altar formerly from Ivo Striegel.

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