Marling near Meran – which is charming in every season – is located on a sunny country terrace above the central part of the Etsch Valley and offers you some beautiful panoramic views of the Meraner Land down to the Bozen valley basin, with their vineyards and orchards.
Ideal for a sunny holiday, far away from stress and traffic, Marlin have won the right to call itself the tourist destination for hikers, ramblers and tennis fans. Whether you stay in the village or lodge in its surroundings: comfort and stillness as well as a variety of sports and cultural events are always nearby.
In the Cultural Centre, music pavilion and festival grounds, you will be spoilt with a variety of musical and folk music performances, which impress our guests throughout the year.
In Marling and its surroundings, there are a number of places worth seeing: the old parish church (first mentioned in 1166), the new-Gothic parish church from around 1900 (twin church to Selsley in Gloucester, Cotswold hill), the Saint Felix church (consecrated in 1251). The water, which flows from the opening in the longhouse floor is said to have healing powers. Off the many castles nearby, Castle Lebenberg (around 1300) is the nearest and is definitely worth a visit (guided tours).
New! The forest adventure trail “Marlinger Waal“. There are several adventure stations along the 2 km long path, which promise an interesting and informative hiking trip with panoramic views.