
Aanwijzing voor de classificatie van de bedrijven


Accommodation facilities marked with stars dispose of at least 7 rooms (hotels, inns, bed&breakfast-hotels, bed&breakfast) or 5 holiday apartments (Apartments, Residences). The varying number of stars is the result of the provincial classification according to international standards.

Accommodation facilities marked with suns:

Accommodation facilities marked with suns are private inns which dispose of up to 6 rooms or up to 4 apartments. They classify themselves according to the criteria established by the provincial government.

Accommodation facilities marked with flowers

Accommodation facilities marked with flowers are private inns with up to 6 rooms or up to 4 apartments and with an additional income deriving from fruit- or wine growing. Only a few farms are specialised in cattle breeding.

The classifications are divided into 5 categories:

5 Stars: LUXURY (exclusive, luxurious furnishings)
4 Stars: FIRST CLASS (first-class furnishings)
3 Stars/Suns/Flowers: COMFORT (very comfortable furnishings)
2 Stars/Suns/Flowers: STANDARD (quite good furnishings)
1 Stars/Suns/Flowers: TOURIST (suitable furnishings)

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