We wish you a heartfelt welcome!
The sun shines on Naturns 315 days a year and no other place in the East Alps gets so little rain. The sun‘s warmth can be seen reflected in the happy smiles of the local people and the verdant, fertile countryside. People and nature bloom side-by-side here. Figs and kiwis ripen in the house gardens, vines flourish on the lower slopes and as high up as 900 mts. in the Natural Park. The valleys are carpeted with rich orchards and everyone glows with a healthy tan while the sun also bleaches the wood-decked buiuldings, lighting up the little farming houses on the mountain pastures and reflecting in the river water, the waterfalls and the upland streams. Shady woodland walks along the century-old Waalwege water irrigation paths criss-cross the slopes throughout the Vinschgau valley. Why not go along with us on our Waalwege hiking week and discover the many wonderful, secret, hidden beauties of this lovely area. We have so much to offer, so many contrasts, so many attractions! A holiday with non-stop sunshine from beginning to end 315 perfectly sunny days.