
Unser Liebe Frau Parish Church (Church of Our Lady) at Vls

Unser Liebe Frau Parish Church (Church of Our Lady) - Völs am Schlern

Völs am Schlern (BZ)

Village churches generally blend in beautifully with the townscape, but rarely as strikingly as in Völs, where the parish church rises from the highest point in the village centre. The church as we see it today was commissioned by Leonhard von Völs in 1515 and has since been housing the Baroque winged altar (today with neo-Gothic additions), crafted by Meister Narziß. Interesting features inside the church are the Rococo pulpit and the pipe organ, both dating from the 18th century. The oldest of the remaining church fittings is the Romanesque crucifix from around 1200.