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The Bishop's Palace war built in the middle of the 13th century as a fortified castle. Marvellous Renaissance court with family tree of the Habsburgs made of terracotta-figures by Hans Reichle (around 1595). Now seat of the diocesan museum. In over 70 rooms the Diocesan Museum displays a representative cross section of the sacred art of South Tyrol. It houses the well-known Nativity collection and parts of the treasure collection belonging to Brixen Cathedral, including the famous Adlerkasel. The collection of medieval sculpture and panel painting is the most comprehensive in the South Tyrol and is particularly worth seeing. Highlights in the art gallery are paintings by Lucas Cranach, Bartlmä Dill Riemenschneider, Ulrich Glantschnigg, Franz Sebald Unterberger, Paul Troger, Gianbattista Tiepolo and Carl Henrici. With an exhibition area of 6600m², the Brixen Diocesan Museum in Brixen is one of most comprehensive ecclesiatical collections anywhere. The Kaisertrakt is also worth seeing, with pictures, furniture and porcelain created by manufacturers commissioned by the Viennese court.